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Why BMX and why Valor? Valor BMX is 100% Veterans 100% of the time. Many other teams advertise this, but Valor BMX puts the rubber to the ground. BMX Racing is an amazing cardiovascular exercise and great for your various muscle groups. Veterans with physical disabilities could benefit from the physical rehabilitation aspect of being able to ride a challenging course with various hills in a controlled environment of a track monitored by track staff to ensure no injuries occur.

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According to Dr. Daniel Reis, a clinical psychologist at the VA Rocky Mountain Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC) for Suicide Prevention, his research study in 2022 determined that exercise has promise for reducing the severity of PTSD symptoms in Veterans. According to an article posted on Research.va.gov, Reis and his team saw in the four primary symptom domains: re-experience, avoidance, thoughts, and arousal. Currently there are therapists that recommend 20-minute exercise 4 times a week as part of the desensitization therapy plan.

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The idea of bringing cycling to veterans is not a new one, non-profits such as “Adaptive Adventures” which works with the VA already has worked with trikes and modified bicycles to allow vets with physical disabilities to ride across the country. Where we think BMX Racing is different is that BMX, while being an individual sport, has always had a large community and support aspect to it. If you visit a BMX track around the country, you will see the camaraderie amongst riders and the families that is unlike many other sports. Additionally, here in Salt Lake City, the weather can be an obstacle for what sports can be offered to recreational therapy. BMX is an untapped resource that has availability nearly year- round and can be coordinated with the indoor tracks during the cold season.

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