Join Valor BMX

What would you be joining?

Valor BMX is a Military and Veteran centric BMX Race Team. We were established in 2022 by Daniel Hanis in an effort to bring Veteran centered interests to the USA BMX arena and to the Department of Veterans Affairs in hopes of spreading awareness of the positive benefits to BMX Racing to the physical and mental health of all participants.

Our Mission

- Get Vets on the track
- Advocate for Veterans
- Bring positive and encouraging attention to the sport overall while having a great time doing it!
- Bring adaptive racing to the BMX world.

Benefits of Membership

Valor BMX is sponsored by local shops and BMX Manufacturers who offer free/discounted services and items to our membership. Should your membership be approved, these vendors and information on how to use these sponsoships will be provided.

Individual Liability

Valor BMX does not insure or provide liability coverage to any participant. By participating and submitting this application, you are agreeing to assume all risks and expenses relating to any injury that may occur as a result of your involvement in practices, clinics, races, or travel to and from said activities, furthermore you agree to hold Valor BMX and any representative of Valor BMX harmless in the event of injury and/or death due to participating in BMX. Valor BMX advises all members and participants to wear appropriate safety gear and PPE prior to engaging in any BMX related activities.


All jerseys will only be sourced from the Valor BMX approved vendor. Members are required to wear a team jersey to BMX related events. The Costs of jerseys are as follows:

Shirts (mandatory)- $50 Each
Pants (optional)- $60 Each
Shirt and Pants Combo- $100
Gloves (optional)- $20 Each


Although participation is voluntary, all members will be active in the community and make all available efforts to participate in and support our veteran outreach, BMX Races, and BMX community events. Additionally, riders are encouraged to reciprocate support to our sponsors and community partners by making all attempts to support their business as they support our cause.

Code of Conduct

Valor BMX is a Military Veteran centered organization. As such, we expect all riders, regardless of age, to conduct themselves as professionals and productive members of the team. Violations of the Code of Conduct will be investigated by Valor Management and progressive correction will be used. Serious violations may result in the termination of membership from Valor BMX:

Rules of Behavior - If you read nothing else, read this.

  1. Accept and understand the seriousness of your responsibility, and the privilege of representing our nation’s military and military veterans.
  2. Always show good sportsmanship i.e., do not badmouth other riders/ teams, wish your opponents good luck before the race and congratulating them after the race, do not argue with track officials/ValorBMX leadership, ensure you win with humility and lose with grace.
  3. Learn the rules of the sport and NEVER cheat or lie.
  4. Be loyal to the team. Never discuss our sponsor discounts or deals with the general public or other teams without the expressed permission of Valor BMX management. Do not use the sponsor deals/discounts for personal profit. Sponsor deals/discount are only to be use by and for Valor BMX members and immediate household family members.
  5. Be courageous enough to do the right thing when no one is looking and be willing to speak up to team management and/or race officials if you see others doing something dangerous/wrong.
  6. Be dependable and ensure that IF you make a commitment to the Team or a fellow Teammate, you do your best to follow through.
  7. Valor BMX will not tolerate discriminatory behavior at any time.
  8. Do not use the team logo or name in a manner that would suggest you either manage the team or speak for the team as a whole unless given expressed permission from Valor BMX leadership.
  9. Do not create your own apparel or support gear without expressed permission from Valor BMX leadership.
  10. Always show absolute respect to the tracks and their rules.
  11. There will be no horseplay in the canopy or team areas at any time. (Horseplay: Boisterous, rough or loud play.  In other words: Do not act in a way that could injure other members or damage equipment/gear. Do, however, have fun)
  12. Ensure that you know the track locations where riding is not allowed and follow that restriction.
  13. If there is conflict with other teams, track officials, or other riders, immediately report this to the nearest Valor BMX management official or track official (if no Valor BMX management are available).
  14. Sponsorship items and services are only to be used for team members and immediate family members.
  15. For children, academics come first. Should parents report failing grades to the team, Valor BMX reserves the right to place the rider on academic probation.